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(815) 379-2351

Egg Hunt Location Change

Egg Hunt Location Change

Due to cold and very high winds predicted, the annual Walnut Egg hunt is moving indoors. Ages 1-3 & 4-6 in the ROCK building at WCBC Ages 7-9 & 10-12 in Walnut Community Bible Church Times are as follows Ages 1-3: 10:35, Ages 4-6: 10:45, Ages 7-9: 10:50, Ages...
Garbage Pick-up Delayed

Garbage Pick-up Delayed

Attention Walnut Residents: Due to the weather, Republic Services just announced that garbage pick up will operate on a one day delay. Garbage pick up will be Saturday, February 18th!
2023 Garbage Calendar

2023 Garbage Calendar

The Village of Walnut has released the 2022 Garbage and Recycling Pick-Up Calendar for 2023. Please note the pick-up dates that are delayed due to a holiday that week. You can download the schedule here.
Garbage Pick-up Delayed

No Garbage Pick-up This Week

Republic Services has contact us to let us know that due to the inclement weather they will NOT be picking up trash on Friday, December 23rd. They will pick up two weeks worth on Friday, December 30th.